Welcome to Veterans Health and Wellness Foundation Resource Library
The Veterans Health and Wellness Foundation is built to serve Veterans and their families across the nation. We help Veterans by:
EDUCATING healthcare professionals about military culture, service-connected illnesses and disabilities, and the unique exposures of service members so Veterans receive the best care possible
CONNECTING Veterans to strong networks of programs and services in their community to help them thrive and pursue their passion or purpose
NAVIGATING VHA benefits from start to finish so Veterans feel supported and confident in the process leading to better healthcare and health results
To build, educate, and maintain resource networks to support the complex physical, social, and emotional health needs of Veteran communities across the nation.
VHWF envisions communities that possess the knowledge and capacity to not only identify and address service-related health challenges, but also to embrace, support, and empower Veterans and their families who experience them.
Your donation fuels the Veterans Health and Wellness Foundation's relentless fight for Veterans and their families